Friday 28 February 2020

Photoshop Skin Changing - Ford Cow

Photoshop Skin Changing - Ford Cow

Cow Skin

Ford Mustang
Background (Cows Field)

Ford Cow


  • Matched the Cow Skin with the Ford Mustang (Dimension + Multiply)
  • Added layer mask on the Cow Skin, Painted the whole layer in the layer mask colour, took the opposite colour to paint the Ford Mustang
  • Duplicated all 2 layers - hid the originals - then merged the copies (merge visible)
  • Selected the Ford Cow - selection tool then mask it
  • Added a new background layer under the Ford Cow layer - ctrl-click new layer button
  • Inserted or copied pasted in the new background layer
  • Adjusted the Ford Cow size as necessary
  • Adjusted Color Balance (Background without the cows) and Hue/Saturation (Cows and Ford Cow)
  • Created the illusion that the Ford Cow is in the grass (Selection>New Layer>Layer Mask>Painting)
  • Adjusted Color Balance (Grass)
  • Added watermark

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