Wednesday 12 February 2020

Photoshop Morphing - Biguana

Photoshop Morphing - Biguana




  • I start with a layer mask on the iguana to cut off the background - refine it with the paint brush (using black)
  • I then add the iguana head to the bird body
  • I create a new layer, select this one and the iguana head one and merge them
  • I add a mask and use the brushtool to match the iguana head and the bird body
  • I duplicated all 2 layers - hid the originals - then merged the copies (merge visible)
  • I add a new background layer under the biguana layer - ctrl-click new layer button
  • I insert or copy paste in the new background layer
  • I adjust the biguana size as necessary
  • I burn in extra shadow on the background layer with the BURN tool
  • I add watermark

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